Time Anambas:

  Selamat Datang ke,Welcome to:

  Pulau Boboh

Pulau Boboh

Pulau Boboh absolutely guarantees a sense of blissful seclusion. Indeed, Boboh Island is a dead ringer for some of the idyllic islands featured on the castaway show Survivor.

If you're keen to experience a private island feel that comes with a stunning luscious backdrop, then Pulau Boboh is the obvious choice.

The island's gin-clear luxuriously warm water slopes ever so gradually, making it just perfect for the little'uns. And if you want to SUP or kayak on a calm surface, then Boboh will more than oblige.

And make sure you bring your snorkel gear, because water visibility, both within the confines of the island and a little ways out, is typically 3o meters or more.

Want to end your day at Boboh on a unique and memorable note? How about a BBQ on your own private beach? Selfie time :)
Beautiful Boboh Island